The app market has emerged as one of the most powerful business tools and is expanding like wildfire from the past few years. Apps have taken this digital world by storm, and thus these apps are now a major part of the E-business industry. It completely has revolutionized the way of doing business. According to research, the app market has reached near $30 billion in terms of revenue collections. The app has a lot to offer to every business be it a small or a large scale one. With the emergence of different types of apps available on the market, it’s obvious to get confused in terms of directions while designing a new app. To give you a clearer picture and to provide you with some better vision we here have collected some inspirational app designs from several categories. And if you already have an app then what elements should be included in that to make it shine more. Hope this will be of some great help-

Social media have revolutionized the way people connect worldwide and have become the need of the hour, so regular pop up of social media apps is of no surprise. We are all aware of the popular social media platforms which are user-friendly and have an accessible look and features as well, such as – Instagram, Facebook. There are so many ways to design a social media app.
If you want to get ahead of the cliché trend then check out the design for Conclave by Si Thu A which represents a blog like a look but in a package that lets users create the blog together. Or just take a reference from the Storygram app design by Jean Alexandru, which uses sans serif fonts or skeuomorphic shadows resembling the pages of a book. So if you want to get something out of the box then can check out these examples for the same.


The high-end luxury brand needs to have an app that makes its users feel special and exclusive. The first thing that comes to our mind is timeless design with black and gold colours that gives a minimalistic, clean and elegant user interfaces which add to the exclusive feel, and luxury app users are always ready to spend a lot, so it would be always wise enough to provide them with a clear path to checkout. Above there are few examples of luxury app designs, you can check them out and can consider what can align with your brand.
If you need an APP design and looking for support, you can book a free design
consultation call with our design consultant.

Apps promoting fitness and health needs to provide positive, motivational and healthy vibe. While designing health, exercise and training app gather all inspirations and relevant information about progress bars, meters, pie charts and statistical data- these apps are all about tracking and charting progress, so make sure your app is on point with all these mentioned elements. Considering bright & fun colours can be a good idea as it would be encouraging.


Well, everyone love gaming apps, isn’t it? Featuring bright colour eye candy, cute characters and funny shapes who have all the features to keep you entertained and busy amidst the boring spaces for a better idea and clear inspirations check out the designs above.
Every sector these days have their own app promoting their brand and products. It just gives a whole new definition to your brand and marketing strategy, as this mobile apps are in trend and to fetch some organic client attention you need to make sure to follow the trend and make the most out of it. The research ratio says that 45% of Google search results originate from smartphones. And the ratio is growing more with each passing day and so is the growth of Smartphones and digital world.